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Pu-ryao, the Room of Immortality, is a room in the Helix Palace. The character himself is an incarnation of the Moon, who King-gyou kidnapped to obtain Moon Water. He presents Rin with 6 bottles, promising that one of them is Moon Water that will lead to immortality. While he's technically not lying, the promised immortality is in the form of living every moment of time in Tong-nou at once with no way to stop it.



The blue bottle is water medicine. It doesn't do anything.


The purple bottle is the Moon Water. It can be countered with the Sun Water.


The red bottle is poison. The player can use the Morning Glory or Panacea to counter it.

Light blue

The light blue bottle is water medicine. It doesn't do anything.


The pink bottle is water medicine. It doesn't do anything.


The green bottle is poison. The player can use the Morning Glory or Panacea to counter it.

Eastern Mind Characters
Reincarnations RinByouTouShaKaiJinRetsuZenGyou
Land of Life Moku-gyou & Moku-gyou's partnerZoh-gaeru FamilyTabelinai
Land of Desire King-gyouChi-fangPu-ryaoShow-miNai-naiTake-yaccoTwei-tweiLong-ri & Long-yuiRotating Boulder
Land of Time Ka-gyouYing & YangGa-showT.B.C.
Land of Dreaming Sui-gyouAh & UngMong-iMong-aruZuo-mongPang-xie
Central Mountain Tou-gyouTwins from Tong-Nou (Bibo & PipoBabebu & BabeboJido & JizoDadezu & Zazezu)
Phantom Marketplace Mai-chiu
Every Land A-mong Family (Ichi-a-mongNi-a-mongSan-a-mongYo-a-mongGoh-a-mong) • Fang-shing
Eastern Mind Lands
Land of Life Tree of LifeSha-mo Desert
Land of Time Plains of Chi-uFire Tower of TimeComputer Room
Land of Dreaming Palace of Dreaming
Land of Desire Helix Palace (Room of GreedRoom of AppetiteRoom of ImmortalityRoom of Sexual DesireRoom of Destruction)
Central Mountain Octagonal Shrine
Tong-Nou Phantom Marketplace
Eastern Mind Items
Inventory NameplatesMetal MagatamaWater MagatamaWood MagatamaFire MagatamaEarth MagatamaTong-Nou Illustrated BookAmuletHitogataPeachEyeball-StoneAntWind ChimeMorning GloryKomaCompassEye-GlassesGold IngotSmall MalletPanaceaBottle GourdSun WaterSheep IntestineChopsticksGolden FlowerKey of GoldLittle Box of SoundBell of GoldFlute of WaterKoto of WoodDrum of FireWrenchEyeball of DreamingLeaf SackDisc of WoodRegistration CardMirrorKatana GemKatana
Related FuroshikiMoon WaterFood of DesireRotating Boulder