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|role= Moon Light (exiled)
|role= Moon Light (exiled)
'''Takochu''' ('''タコチュウ''', ''Takochuu'') is a Moon Light who was exiled from the [[Moon Palace]] for not being bright enough. She can be found in the [[Milky Way]]. She transports [[Mine|Mines]] from the Moon Palace fountain and uses them to exterminate the darkness invading the Milky Way. Upon interacting with her, she gives you a Mine, which can be used to defeat the [[Dark Amoebas]] at the [[White Road Gate]].
'''Takochu''' ( {{TongNouAlphabet/Ta}} {{TongNouAlphabet/Ko}} {{TongNouAlphabet/Chi}} {{TongNouAlphabet/Yu}} {{TongNouAlphabet/U}} , '''タコチュウ''', ''Takochuu'') is a Moon Light who was exiled from the [[Moon Palace]] for not being bright enough. She can be found in the [[Milky Way]]. She transports [[Mine|Mines]] from the Moon Palace fountain and uses them to exterminate the darkness invading the Milky Way. Upon interacting with her, she gives you a Mine, which can be used to defeat the [[Dark Amoebas]] at the [[White Road Gate]].
==Chu-Teng Tablet Entry==
==Chu-Teng Tablet Entry==
'''Habitat and Role'''<br>
'''Habitat and Role'''<br>

Revision as of 08:34, 19 December 2023

Land Chu-Teng
Location Milky Way
Role Moon Light (exiled)

Takochu ( Ta Ko Chi Yu U , タコチュウ, Takochuu) is a Moon Light who was exiled from the Moon Palace for not being bright enough. She can be found in the Milky Way. She transports Mines from the Moon Palace fountain and uses them to exterminate the darkness invading the Milky Way. Upon interacting with her, she gives you a Mine, which can be used to defeat the Dark Amoebas at the White Road Gate.

Chu-Teng Tablet Entry

Habitat and Role
She suffers the hardship of having been
exiled from the Moon Palace to the
Milky Way for being too dim. It is her
duty to exterminate darkness while
transporting mines from the Moon Palace
fountain to the Milky Way. She
often drops these important mines
along the way.

Weapons of light used to exterminate
Dark Amoebas. Produced in the Moon
Palace fountain.

Chu-Teng Characters
Protagonist Rin
Milky Way Teng-houTakochuStardust Clan
Inner Heaven Nan-shuAh & UngSu-game ClanTwins from Tong-Nou (Dadezu & ZazezuBabebu & BabeboJido & JizoBibo & Pipo) • Yo-a-mong
Star Palace Suin-shinSe-yinKuiShi-tsuShinChoTsu-tangTeiTorikaraNan-shu's BodyHekiStardust ClanMai-chiuCopier
Moon Palace Yue-yinSeven Priests (Sang-yiSang-erSang-sanSang-siSang-wuSang-lianSang-qi) • Sang-nyuiZako-yinSeven Shells FamilyTsukiusa-yinSango-jinFountain GatekeeperXi-liao & Xiong-tsuChu-yinSho-yinChing-yinMeditating Giant Clan (OmedamaHashiraSufiku)
Sun Palace Tai-yangKae-yangKoh-yang
Darkness Dark AmoebasKujiraYamihyoYaminChi-touRu-houChui-hei