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Land Chu-Teng
Location Underground Palace
Role Seven Priests

Sang-si ( Sa N Su , 神官サンスー, Shinkan sansū) is one of the Seven Priests that serve Yue-yin. He can be found by typing 2 3 2 into Sufiku.

Chu-Teng Tablet Entry

Habitat and Role
One of the seven priests serving Yue-yin of the Moon Palace. Sang-si has been entrusted with the black pearl. The black pearl is strong and has the ability to gather up the other pearls. The one who acquires the Seven Pearls, the treasure of the Moon Palace, rules the palace. It is the priests' duty to protect the pearls with their lives.


  • Both Sang-si and Sang-san have Sang-er's design on their Chu-Teng Tablet page, instead of their own.
Chu-Teng Characters
Protagonist Rin
Milky Way Teng-houTakochuStardust Clan
Inner Heaven Nan-shuAh & UngSu-game ClanTwins from Tong-Nou (Dadezu & ZazezuBabebu & BabeboJido & JizoBibo & Pipo) • Yo-a-mong
Star Palace Suin-shinSe-yinKuiShi-tsuShinChoTsu-tangTeiTorikaraNan-shu's BodyHekiStardust ClanMai-chiuCopier
Moon Palace Yue-yinSeven Priests (Sang-yiSang-erSang-sanSang-siSang-wuSang-lianSang-qi) • Sang-nyuiZako-yinSeven Shells FamilyTsukiusa-yinSango-jinFountain GatekeeperXi-liao & Xiong-tsuChu-yinSho-yinChing-yinMeditating Giant Clan (OmedamaHashiraSufiku)
Sun Palace Tai-yangKae-yangKoh-yang
Darkness Dark AmoebasKujiraYamihyoYaminChi-touRu-houChui-hei