Seven Priests

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The Seven Priests are a group of Moon Lights that are sworn to protect the Seven Pearls. They serve Yue-yin, but have imprisoned him since he was taken over by darkness.


Chu-Teng Tablet Excerpt

Each of the Seven Priests is to protect one of the Seven Pearls of the
Moon Palace. Such was Yue-yin's decree.
The Seven Priests immediately imprisoned Dark Yue-yin and hid
the Seven Pearls that they were entrusted with throughout the
inside of the Moon Palace.
After they are all gathered together and a name incantation is
performed upon them, the Seven Pearls will become a weapon
to defeat the darkness.

Chu-Teng Characters
Protagonist Rin
Milky Way Teng-houTakochuStardust Clan
Inner Heaven Nan-shuAh & UngSu-game ClanTwins from Tong-Nou (Dadezu & ZazezuBabebu & BabeboJido & JizoBibo & Pipo) • Yo-a-mong
Star Palace Suin-shinSe-yinKuiShi-tsuShinChoTsu-tangTeiTorikaraNan-shu's BodyHekiStardust ClanMai-chiuCopier
Moon Palace Yue-yinSeven Priests (Sang-yiSang-erSang-sanSang-siSang-wuSang-lianSang-qi) • Sang-nyuiZako-yinSeven Shells FamilyTsukiusa-yinSango-jinFountain GatekeeperXi-liao & Xiong-tsuChu-yinSho-yinChing-yinMeditating Giant Clan (OmedamaHashiraSufiku)
Sun Palace Tai-yangKae-yangKoh-yang
Darkness Dark AmoebasKujiraYamihyoYaminChi-touRu-houChui-hei