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Outside Ping-chao

Ping-chao, also known as the Palace of Dreaming, is a location in Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong-Nou. It is housed in Mon-chien, and contains 18 rooms in total. In contrast to the fairly-barren plains of Mon-chien, Ping-chao is home to many characters in the Land of Dreaming, most notably Sui-gyou the King of Dreaming and Byou the Mechanic. In addition, it is the location of various important objectives that Rin must fulfill to complete the lives of the lost souls of Tong-Nou.


At the entrance of the Palace of Dreaming, if you want to enter in it the first time, The gatekeepers Ah and Ung will come and let you answer their riddle. After this, the entrance will be unguarded, with Ah and Ung leaving to their rooms.

The Palace of Dreaming is comprised of a large ring of two hallways, one contained within the other, all branching off into a ring of rooms. At the center of the Palace is the room of Sui-gyou, the King of Dreaming. The inner and outer rings of hallways are connected at the center of the northernmost part of the palace. At the south of the outer ring of the Palace is the entrance/exit to the palace itself.

The map of Ping-chao, located on the leftmost room of the northmost wall.

The rooms are house to a wide variety of things, such as characters, shortcuts to Yui-wang and Ming-ken, and magatamas projecting videos that contain clues to various puzzles. These videos include hints about the Nameplates, obtaining the Golden Flower and waking King-gyou, using the Ant to enter Moku-gyou, summoning Ka-gyou, In addition, there is a Magatama Dump at the bottom-most room on the outer western wall, a room containing an Ill Magatama that is harmful to touch without the Amulet at the right-hand room on the ouher southern wall, and a room that contains a map of the Palace of Dreaming, which labels the player as being in the room along the northern outer ring, at the leftmost room.




  • To Ming-ken, via a purple magatama in an outer room to the east.
  • To Yui-wang, via a golden magatama in an outer room to the west.
  • To Hou-ang, via an eyeball rock in an outer room to the north.


Eastern Mind Lands
Land of Life Tree of LifeSha-mo Desert
Land of Time Plains of Chi-uFire Tower of TimeComputer Room
Land of Dreaming Palace of Dreaming
Land of Desire Helix Palace (Room of GreedRoom of AppetiteRoom of ImmortalityRoom of Sexual DesireRoom of Destruction)
Central Mountain Octagonal Shrine
Tong-Nou Phantom Marketplace