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A Magatama is a piece of soul, commonplace throughout Tong-Nou.

Rin's soul is comprised of five Magatamas that he must retrieve: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. Rin must collect these Magatamas to place them back into his soul at the end of the game.

Metal Magatama

The white Metal Magatama (which is not the Gold Ingot) can be found inside the Helix Palace Luo-shang, on the balcony at the top of the palace.

Water Magatama

The black Water Magatama can be found inside the Palace of Dreaming Ping-chao, next to Mong-aru. Mong-aru must be killed with a Peach in order to get it.

Wood Magatama

The blue Wood Magatama can be found inside the Tree of Life Mingke-shu.

Fire Magatama

The red Fire Magatama can be found in the Land of Time Shi-chieng, found in a similarly colored cage on the ground. Rin only has permission to collect it if he contacts Ka-gyou twice on the Computer.

Earth Magatama

The yellow Earth Magatama can be found inside the Octagonal Shrine Par-fang, entangled in webbing produced by statues of the four kings. The webbing must be cut with the Katana of Five Forces to get it.

Eastern Mind Items
Inventory NameplatesMetal MagatamaWater MagatamaWood MagatamaFire MagatamaEarth MagatamaTong-Nou Illustrated BookAmuletHitogataPeachEyeball-StoneAntWind ChimeMorning GloryKomaCompassEye-GlassesGold IngotSmall MalletPanaceaBottle GourdSun WaterSheep IntestineChopsticksGolden FlowerKey of GoldLittle Box of SoundBell of GoldFlute of WaterKoto of WoodDrum of FireWrenchEyeball of DreamingLeaf SackDisc of WoodRegistration CardMirrorKatana GemKatana
Related FuroshikiMoon WaterFood of DesireRotating Boulder