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Item Type Quest
Source Byou
Item ID 40

The Wrench (Ne Ji Ma Wa Shi, ねじまわし) is an item in Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong-Nou. It is Byou's quest item, and gets used in his mission.


Byou is born with this item.


The Wrench is used in the finale of Byou's life, within Sui-gyou's chamber within the Palace of Dreaming Ping-chao. Byou must use the Wrench to install the new Eyeball of Dreaming onto Zuo-mong, the living apparatus.

Tong-Nou Book Entry

A necessity when installing the Eyeball of Dreaming.

Eastern Mind Items
Inventory NameplatesMetal MagatamaWater MagatamaWood MagatamaFire MagatamaEarth MagatamaTong-Nou Illustrated BookAmuletHitogataPeachEyeball-StoneAntWind ChimeMorning GloryKomaCompassEye-GlassesGold IngotSmall MalletPanaceaBottle GourdSun WaterSheep IntestineChopsticksGolden FlowerKey of GoldLittle Box of SoundBell of GoldFlute of WaterKoto of WoodDrum of FireWrenchEyeball of DreamingLeaf SackDisc of WoodRegistration CardMirrorKatana GemKatana
Related FuroshikiMoon WaterFood of DesireRotating Boulder