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Yui-wang, the Land of Desire

Yui-wang, the Land of Desire, is one of the five lands in Eastern Mind. It is accessed by going through Tong-nou's right ear and clicking on the correct lava bubble (or else). The land is host to a main hallway, a secret room hidden behind one of the statues, and an entrance to Hou-ang opposite the statue. It is ruled by King-gyou, who leads Rin to the Helix Palace Luo-shang after being awoken by a Golden Flower.

Eastern Mind Lands
Land of Life Tree of LifeSha-mo Desert
Land of Time Plains of Chi-uFire Tower of TimeComputer Room
Land of Dreaming Palace of Dreaming
Land of Desire Helix Palace (Room of GreedRoom of AppetiteRoom of ImmortalityRoom of Sexual DesireRoom of Destruction)
Central Mountain Octagonal Shrine
Tong-Nou Phantom Marketplace