Main Page
Revision as of 18:24, 23 June 2020 by satowiki>Badcafe
Welcome to the Osamu Sato Wiki!
We're still getting things set up, but feel free to start making pages!
Notice: Editing privileges are currently disabled due to a sudden spike in spam. We'll get this mess cleaned up, and restore those privileges to regular users as soon as possible.
- Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong-Nou
- Chu-Teng
- Rolypolys no Nanakorobi Yaoki
- Rolypolys no Sekai Ryokou
- LSD: Dream Emulator
- Tokyo Wakusei Planetokio
- Rhythm 'n' Face
- Objectless (1983)
- Transmigration
- Equal
- The Esoteric Retina
- Linen Sampler
- LSD and Remixes
- Lucy in the Sky with Dynamites
- All Things Must Be Equal (TYO Edition)
- Mono
- All Things Must Be Equal (BLN Edition)
- Objectless (2017)
- Live at Dommune (Unofficial)
- All Things Must Be Equal (808 Mono Edition)
- LSD Revamped
- Grateful in All Things
- Alphabetical Orgasm
- Alphabetical Animals
- Anonymous Animals
- Face to Face
- Gradation of Happiness
- The Esoteric Retina
- Compu Movie
- Homosexual