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Heart is one of the 27 words in Rolypolys no Nanakorobi Yaoki.


Banaten is sitting alone on a tree, feeling sad. George walks by, notices Banaten's sadness, and leaves. He comes back with a basket of Banaten's favorite food, fried bananas. They share the bananas and watch the sunset together.


"That which comes from the heart will go to the heart."

Banaten walks across the screen with two heart balloons, and George runs after him.


Literally: Heart speaks to heart.

People who are very close to each other, or are part of a tight-knit group, can often communicate heart-to-heart without having to use words. This is sometimes called nonverbal communication. Look at the way a mother and a baby relate to each other: the mother always seems to know what the baby wants, even though it still hasn't learned how to talk. The same applies to Banaten and George. Each knows what the other is thinking, without having to utter a word. Do you have someone with whom you can communicate at this level? Give it a try.

Roly Polys Words