Star Palace Rooms 3-8

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Rooms 3 through 8 of the Star Palace make up the section between The Ancestry Worship and History Chamber and The Office Room.


3. The Weaving Room

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The Weaving Room contains Koh-yang. This room's symbol is 女 (Girl).

4. The Milky Way Manager's Room

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The Milky Way Manager's Room contains Bibo and Pipo. This room's symbol is 牛 (Ox).

5. The Guard of Chu-Teng's Room

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The Guard of Chu-Teng's Room contains Nan-shu's Body. This room's symbol is 斗 (Dipper).

6. The Clothing Room

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The Clothing Room contains Sho-yin. This room's symbol is 箕 (Winnowing Basket).

7. The Court Lady's Room

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The Court Lady's Room contains Chu-yin. This room's symbol is 尾 (Tail).

8. The Altar Room

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The Altar Room contains Tsu-tang. This room's symbol is 心 (Heart).

Chu-Teng Locations
Outer Heaven Milky WayGe-Teng
Inner Heaven Chu-TengMagatama PlanetWhite Road GateYellow Road GateRed Road Gate
Star Palace Central Room • Intersections (Ancestry Worship and History ChamberOffice RoomPrincess's RoomTheater) • Rooms (Rooms 3-8Rooms 10-15Rooms 17-22Rooms 24-29)
Moon Palace Five-Story PagodaCoral PalaceUnderground Palace
Sun Palace Treasury