Difference between revisions of "Osamu Sato Wiki:To Do"

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(→‎LSD: Dream Emulator: Entities affected by Circle button)
Line 49: Line 49:
* Finish all entity pages
* Finish all entity pages
**Get renders of them from [https://github.com/Figglewatts/LSDView LSDView]
**Get renders of them from [https://github.com/Figglewatts/LSDView LSDView]
**'''Don't forget to specify which entities the cicrle button works on or not (like the [[Black Wolf]])'''
**Don't forget to specify which entities the circle button works on or not
*** [[Black Wolf]]
*** [[Gunman]]
*** [[Train]]
*** [[Ferris Wheel]]
*** More?
**Fix link locations
**Fix link locations
**[https://seesaawiki.jp/lsd/d/%a5%ad%a5%e3%a5%e9%a5%b0%a5%e9%a5%d5%a4%ce%b8%c4%c2%ce%c3%cd%a4%de%a4%c8%a4%e1 this page on seesaawiki.jp] shows the graph value for most if not all entities (along with their location on the map).
**[https://seesaawiki.jp/lsd/d/%a5%ad%a5%e3%a5%e9%a5%b0%a5%e9%a5%d5%a4%ce%b8%c4%c2%ce%c3%cd%a4%de%a4%c8%a4%e1 this page on seesaawiki.jp] shows the graph value for most if not all entities (along with their location on the map).

Revision as of 13:28, 5 January 2024

As a warning, this page is fairly informal in tone.

no it is highly formal !!!!!!111!1!!1

A page just to document what needs to be done on the wiki. Suggestions are appreciated!

Suggestions that have been completed are archived here.


  • Possibly use grabbers to take pages from the abandoned Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng wiki? No idea how good they would be.
    • Isn't that plagarism? Does Fandom even allow for Creative Commons? Ga-show (talk) 22:20, 24 March 2022 (PDT)
      • Wiki grabbers are used all the time in actual migrations of wikis, and are officially defined by Wikipedia itself. Considering the abandoned state of the other wikis, it may be fine? Either way, seeing as we plan to rewrite all those articles as-is, it may not be too big a deal... Camwoodstock (talk) 11:27, 26 March 2022 (PDT)
  • Customize the site's appearance?
    • CSS in general would be good, actually.
      • Camwoodstock has added some baller CSS, so we're no longer sporting the default Wikipedia look. Maybe next on the list is figuring out how to make a dark mode? Badcafe (talk)
  • Create some proper staff roles so users can possibly protect/delete articles without begging Badcafe to do so.
  • Possibly additional maintenance templates like a robust "todo" template with a field that can be customized.
  • Sourcing some external information stuff.


Eastern Mind

  • Finishing the Item pages. The only pages missing info outright as of last update are:
    • Tong-Nou Illustrated Book (fully transcribed the book) the only hurdle is the damn Internal Server Error. Fixing this should be the highest priority.
      • This is currently walled by the 500 Internal Server Error issues.
  • Tong-Nou Book-styled template to make excerpts from the Tong-Nou Book fit better with the page overall and include transcribed information from the Book, without bloating the Infoboxes by shoehorning book info into them (currently highest priority, next to finishing Item pages)
  • Making the Character pages
    • Making a flexible Eastern Mind Character infobox that fits both reincarnations, kings, and side-characters
  • Create redirects for common spellings or capitalizations or other such things (e.g. Eyeglasses for Eye-Glasses, Eyeball Stone for Eyeball-Stone (currently low-priority, creating the pages themselves is an upper priority)
  • Add more images for Items, namely their images in the world of Tong-Nou and not just their furoshiki icons (currently lowest-priority, would be nice to have and to work on in the future, but not the focus)


  • Everything, maybe wait until Eastern Mind's pages are done though.

LSD: Dream Emulator

  • Make a page/expand pages on LSD:DE-related media.
    • Lovely Sweet Dream
    • LSD Promo Magazine
    • The lost other promo magazine
    • Lovely Sweet Dream and Followers (fan project)
    • One for all the promotional art/postcards?
  • Expand page about Linking
  • Make a page about music mechanics (soundfonts and stuff)
  • Make a page about the day cycles
    • For each field, sort the entity list by even/odd days
  • Make a page about data analysis
  • Make a page about glitches
    • Wall-clipping, trigger bypassing, glitch textures
  • Standardize field pages (some have the sections out of order)
    • Add more categories for fields
  • Finish all entity pages
  • List of FMVs/text dream entries
    • Page about the ending?
  • Page on sky/fog/clouds and stuff
    • The game chooses certain presets for certain fields on certain days
      • Find out when the cycle repeats, if there even is one (not 40 days, perhaps 90 days?)
      • Make a full list of these presets, and when they're used on what day
  • Make a page about Flashbacks

Rolypolys duology


  • Everything, even more aggressively because this game is almost entirely un-documented.


  • Everything, but a little less aggro.

Pocket Montage

  • considering redirecting to a new page, Kimokawa, as this is the original name of the app. Or, if nothing else, mentioning what it was originally called in the existing article.

Lost Media

  • Update Compu Movie article with demo CD/interview findings


  • Finish all the pages, possibly including galleries
  • Artwork collection navbox would be nice, too. Done. -- Moai-kun (talk)


  • Album navbox. It bears repeating.
    • General-purpose media navbox covers this now Ga-show (talk) 07:01, 22 October 2022 (PDT) Done, but as a separate navbox. Moai-kun (talk)
  • Tracklist formatting like on Wikipedia.
  • Samples/elements reused from old games (e.g. Dr. Boochang Lee bass loop in Wolfunkadelic).
  • Potentially making pages for certain songs (e.g. I Love You, Tong Nou Theme, Come On And).


Osamu Sato

  • Realistically this is just the one page about the guy but, yeah, actually expanding upon it would be good.
    • There are a few different biographies of Sato at different time periods we could use as a starting point for sources. I bet there's a lot of extra info which could be added over time from interviews, as well. Badcafe (talk)
  • Make pages for various exhibitions he has hosted

* Maybe an article for Outside Directors Company could go in this category. Badcafe (talk)



  • Expanding the scope of the Meta section itself would be good.
    • Maybe make pages about certain notable community things? That's to be decided, though.