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Features: Banaten

Time is one of the 27 words in Rolypolys no Nanakorobi Yaoki.


Banaten is shown participating in a race with two other monkeys. There is an audience of monkeys watching the race. After the starting pistol is fired, the three racing monkeys start to run. Banaten lags behind while the other two run far ahead of him. After a while, Banaten starts to age rapidly and the stadium around him turns red, ruined, and abandoned. By the time Banaten reaches the goal, he has grown too old and collapses onto the finish line.


"Time flies."

The old Banaten gets up, runs backwards until he returns to his younger self, and walks off-screen.


Literally: Time flies like an arrow

Time passes so quickly for all of us. In fact, it seems to speed up as you get older and older. Even one's lifetime, it is said, passes in a mere flash. Think of your summer vacations: each day seemed so long and lazy; but when it was over, you couldn't figure out where the time went. Things that happened years ago seem to have happened only yesterday. Not even the fleet-footed Banaten could outrun time and its effects.

Roly Polys Words