
From Osamu Sato Wiki
Revision as of 15:06, 27 September 2024 by Badcafe (talk | contribs)
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Badcafe secret tong nou location.png

Hi there, I'm the admin of this fine establishment.

Feel free to contact me through...

  • Discord: @badcafe
  • Email: {the same username}
  • Or through this page's discussion tab!


Want to get some other editors' feedback on things? There's a #wiki-discussion channel in the Osamu Sato Discord, which a lot of us are on! Sorry that it's Discord.

The To Do page is rather defunct, but could still act as a jumping off point if you're looking for something to work on.

Nifty pages which aren't easily found

LSDIcon.png This user's favorite OSD game is LSD: Dream Emulator.
FangShing.png This user's favorite Eastern Mind character is Fang-shing.
Pon.png This user's favorite Roly Polys character is Pon.

personal webasite