Difference between revisions of "Osamu Sato Wiki:To Do"

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(Removed some completed items)
Line 5: Line 5:
** Use Grabbers to take pages from the abandoned Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng wiki
** Use Grabbers to take pages from the abandoned Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng wiki
* Customize the site's appearance
* Customize the site's appearance
* Renovate front page/give it page protection
* Renovate front page
** I'm okay with leaving the front page open while things are still very new. In time we should probably do this (badcafe)
* Maintenance templates
* Maintenance templates
* <s>Camwoodstock for admin</s>
* Sort pages into categories
* Sort pages into categories
* HTTPS, if we can manage that??? (idk how that works ~cam)

Revision as of 09:04, 30 January 2020

Suggestions are appreciated!

  • Make URLs pretty (remove the "index.php?title=" portion)
  • You know, make some pages
    • Use Grabbers to take pages from the abandoned Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng wiki
  • Customize the site's appearance
  • Renovate front page
  • Maintenance templates
  • Sort pages into categories