List of known audio samples

From Osamu Sato Wiki
Revision as of 05:21, 12 December 2022 by Ga-show (talk | contribs)
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This page is intended to identify and catalog all of the known samples used in Osamu Sato's music. Like many electronic musicians, Sato makes use of samples sourced from various sample CDs in addition to dedicated instruments. Thus, by comparing the contents of a sample CD to the music, it is possible to identify the samples he uses.


Main Theme

  • Best Service Voice Spectral vol. 1 - Track 76
  • Future Music vol. 1 - Track 12


Main Theme

  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - 84A MALAY L

Stardust A

  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - CHPHRASE 1AM

Stardust B / Chou

  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - CHPHRASE 6AM
  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - CHPHRASE 9AM

Stardust C

  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - CHPHRASE 3AM

Hidden Shrine

  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - INDKANADA6
  • Spectrasonics Heart of Asia - INDKANADA7

LSD: Dream Emulator


  • Spectrasonic Distorted Reality 1\Partition I\RAVELAND RYE\JUNGLES A AB (Hi-hat)
  • Spectrasonic Distorted Reality 1\Partition I\RAVELAND RYE\JUNGLES SNR B (Snare)


  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 42 - 0:26 ("Boom")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 46 - 0:03 ("Dah")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 42 - 0:07 ("Tss")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 29 - 0:01 ("Ugh")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 35 - 0:05 ("Ho!")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 34 - 0:23 ("Boing")
  • Voice Spectral Vol. 1 - Track 77 - 0:15 ([Yodeling])