Alphabetical Orgasm

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Title page from the printed book.

The Alphabetical Orgasm is a 1991 series of graphic artwork by Osamu Sato. It may be viewed on Sato's personal site. The Alphabetical Orgasm was published in book form the same year by Tierrart, with additional messages and doodles in between each letter. The fully scanned book is available on Sato Archives (large PDF warning).


According to the defunct OSD website, there were 2 exhibitions for The Alphabetical Orgasm: one at the Tierrart Tokyo Gallery in November 1991, and another at the Takichi Studio Com in April 1992 (verification of translations needed). The scans shown below seem to corroborate this information.

The first and third images are postcards showcased on the same website, and the second image is from page 22 of OSD Corporate Identity and Works,