
From Osamu Sato Wiki
Revision as of 12:51, 20 October 2022 by Ga-show (talk | contribs)
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Original name {{{janame}}}
Lost? {{{lost}}}


This infobox is for use on media.

  • name: English name.
  • janame: Original name. Sometimes the same as in English.
  • image: File of the game/album cover, use box art if the game has it. Keep at a 1:1 aspect ratio.
  • lost: If the media is lost. Statuses include: No, Owned but not scanned, Yes


LSD: Dream Emulator
Original name LSD
Lost? No

The code beneath produces the infobox you see to the right.

Sample Code:
|name=LSD: Dream Emulator
|lost=<span style="color:#0F0>No</span>

The blank code can be seen beneath.

Sample Code: