Difference between revisions of "Osamu Sato Wiki:Community Links"

From Osamu Sato Wiki
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(Added Seesaa Wiki, reorganized)
(Moving lsd fansites)
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* [http://satoarchives.com/ Sato Archives] The official unofficial preservation effort for all of Sato/OSD's work.
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/9zfbDKs Osamu Sato Discord] By far the most active place for Sato-related discourse!
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/9zfbDKs Osamu Sato Discord] The most active place for Sato-related discourse! There's also a #wiki-discussion channel.
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/fuKffVy Zoh-Gaeru] Super funky cool friendly!
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/fuKffVy Zoh-Gaeru] Super funky cool friendly!
* [https://discord.gg/AQMVFDh DreamEmulator]
* [https://discord.gg/AQMVFDh DreamEmulator]
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/kB8Fcfk LSD Revamped]
* [https://discordapp.com/invite/kB8Fcfk LSD Revamped]
* [http://satoarchives.com/ Sato Archives] The official unofficial preservation effort for all of Sato/OSD's work.
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* [https://wikiwiki.jp/lsd/LSD Japanese LSD Wiki - wikiwiki]
* [https://wikiwiki.jp/lsd/LSD Japanese LSD Wiki - wikiwiki]
* [https://seesaawiki.jp/lsd/ Japanese LSD Wiki - Seesaa Wiki]
* [https://seesaawiki.jp/lsd/ Japanese LSD Wiki - Seesaa Wiki]
===LSD Fansites===
* [http://www.mac.kadath.org/Index.html mac.kadath.org]
* [http://sagyoyo.atgj.net/lsd/%E3%80%8Elsd%E3%80%8F%E3%83%AC%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6 Sagyoyo]
* [http://lsd-25.github.io/lsd/index.html LSD-25]

Revision as of 15:14, 4 November 2022



  • Sato Archives The official unofficial preservation effort for all of Sato/OSD's work.


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