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In [[LSD: Dream Emulator]], some dreams may display text either extracted from, or based off the [[Lovely Sweet Dream]] journal instead of a playable dream.
In [[LSD: Dream Emulator]], some dreams may display text either extracted from, or based off the [[Lovely Sweet Dream]] journal instead of a playable dream. They last ten to twelve seconds, and always leave the player in the centre of the [[Graph|graph]].
== Transcripts ==
== Transcripts ==
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[[Category:LSD:_Dream_Emulator]] [[Category:LSD Mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 19:09, 19 July 2023

In LSD: Dream Emulator, some dreams may display text either extracted from, or based off the Lovely Sweet Dream journal instead of a playable dream. They last ten to twelve seconds, and always leave the player in the centre of the graph.


Translated by Chia except when marked
File name Japanese English translation
Spday01c 蛙を捕まえる
“Catching a frog”
The passage's become a deep river. The water reaches my chest area. I found a small frog, and I decided to grab it. I grasped its soft body firmly but I was startled by the gross sensation.
Spday01d 鯨の尾鰭の行進
"Whale's tail fin parade"
The news about whales going up the river to give birth is spreading across the city. The black, huge tail fins are so extravagant - I think that the enormous whales go up the stream and advance all at once, by looking at its silhouette.
Spday01e 猫の声
"Cat's voice"
A white cat was crouched next to the clothesline. As I approached it, the cat repeatedly whispered, in a sad, monotone voice, "I am glad to have met you." Having listened to the cat's voice for the first time, my chest filled with anguish.
Spday01f 追われる
"I'm being chased."
Someone is chasing me. It is something like an organization. I was sheltered from my pursuers by an old man who recently moved into a small clothing shop. But, from today onwards, the enemy will continue to pursue me.
Spday02c 下着店
"Underwear shop"
At the foot of the hill, across from the video store, is an underwear shop. The pile of underwear in the cardboard box is labelled "Cotton undergarments, 5 for 500 Yen" Turning to the side of the store, inside a cardboard box, a large cat the size of a doberman is sold. [Note: The diary doesn't say what kind of underwear is being sold, it just uses the generic 'undergarments']
Spday02d 私の死ぬ日
"The day I die"
It is confirmed that my life will end in less than two to three days. This is my fate. The day I die will be on the 26th. So there is no way of stopping me now. (PuPTooN)
Spday02e 私の手を握る
"Ninth floor"
The ninth floor of the apartment. In the past, an old lady used to live near the Japanese-style room. She was half insane. She was saying all kinds of bad things. Even if I asked her something it was like she couldn't hear anything.
Spday02f 彼は「希望」
"He was 'Hope'"
The red demon sat in front of the two guardians, Ah and Ung. From these two, a boy named "Taro" was born. He slipped past the demon and escaped into the flow of time. It was his only hope. (PuPTooN)
Spday03c むにゅむにゅとしたもの
"Those squishy things"
My face was covered in erupted bits. Those squishy things that resemble molecular structures came from the tip of my nose. It felt very uncomfortable. I threw it out of the bathroom window. I closed the window shut. I stared at the window, wondering how far it went.
Spday03d 有名人になってしまった自分
"To myself who became famous"
There were singers on a poster. And one of them was me. I had become a celebrity. In one room of the library, there were people waiting for me to answer their questions. When I finally sat down, they asked me "What is the meaning of the lyrics in OO?". I answered, whatever. (PuPTooN)
Spday03e 赤ちゃんだけれど顔は大人
"Just a baby, but his face is grown-up"
It’s been a while since I saw the Kurushimas’ baby. I’m looking at his face and it’s all grown up, but the rest of him is still a baby. All I can say is "My, how much you’ve grown!"
Spday03f 九階
"Holding my hand"
I droved to the house that looks like a old hollowed tree. My deceased great grandmother appeared from the doorstep, grabbed on my hand and said " You have come very far to meet me".
Spday04c 水猫
"Water cat"
There's a big pond inside the house. I'm swimming in it and can see a big, bloated cat floating in the water. It's called Watercat. It's really soft; hugging it gives me a warm feeling.
A couple arrived in the forest. It was a man and a woman who embraced each other. But it turned out the man promises with the woman to die at the forest together. The man regretted on what he did. However, it was the unfortunate fate that caused the outcome. (PuPTooN)
Spday04e 兎の内臓
"Rabbit entrails"
There are some rabbit entrails. Someone says they are really tasty. I picture a rabbit being skinned and taken apart. Strangely, the image is not at all graphic; not a drop of blood spills. A concert without music, a play without actors.
Spday04f 奇妙な人
"Bizarre people"
Strange man - There are strange people around the artificial square pond with snake's body and human head. Like a medieval aristocrat, they wear feathered hats and have big cups wearing textile bodice. I place a big stone on the elongated body of that strange person and make it stuck. (Credit: 「日本」ウィンディ#8668)
Spday05c 本を埋める
"Burying a book"
Burying a book - I'm burying a book deep, deep in a hole I dug in the ground. I'm doing this for the children's education. (Credit: Chia) (TL note: The world "hole" isn't explicitly stated in the original text.)
Spday05d 唇に紅を塗る
"Putting on lipstick"
I am putting red rouge on somebody's lips with a lip brush. From somewhere up above, I hear the person's voice: "You have to put it on much thicker or it will come off." Pushed by the voice, I keep filling in the rouge; thicker and thicker, more and more carefully.
Spday05e 蕎麦の失敗
"I failed to make soba noodles"
I was boiling soba noodles in the kitchen. The sun peeped from the window, shining at the diced green onions on the chopping board. When I was seasoning the Bonito broth from the separate pot, I accidentally made the broth too strong. I was wondering if I should try again and make the broth weaker. (PuPTooN)
"A turtle"
There is a small turtle when you arrive at your seat. In some places, the shell seems to be broken and seems to have fallen somewhere. I decided to look for a container and put a turtle there and keep it. But I am worried that I can keep keeping this turtle all the time. (Credit: 「日本」ウィンディ#8668)
Spday06c 白い閃光
"A bright flash"
White flash of light - There's a box placed on top of the table in the living room. It's the memento of someone who died. I'm thinking about that person. All of a sudden, a white flash flew in from a window that was left open and burst in front of my/their[2] mother. It was undoubtedly the deceased person's soul. (Credit: Chia) (TL note[1]: (resolved) [2]: Whether the writer meant "my mother" or "their mother" is ambiguous.)
Spday06d 女の子の背中
"The back of the girl"
I was sleeping in a small room above the bank's entrance. There was a naked little girl, sunbathing with powder covering her back. Her spine and shoulder bone visibly protruded from her back.
Spday06e 猫を預かる
"To leave my cat to someone's care"
My cat was returned to my room on the third floor after it was left in someone's care. But that person made my cat turn invisible. All that was left was its body looking like a transparent half moon. (PuPTooN)
Spday06f 落下した少年
"The boy who fell"
A car goes by, carrying a boy. Towards the slope, it falls. I am watching this scene. The boy is bleeding to death, horribly. Somehow I am not scared. [It is] as though this was an ordinary scene in my life.
Spday07c 濡れた老人と洗面器
"A wet old man and a basin"
Standing outside, in the area where we dry our laundry is a chubby old man. Rain is pouring down. We sit him on a chair, clean his muddy, bare feet and order a girl to get a basin filled with water. My eyes keep returning to the milky white color of the basin.
Spday07d 赤いホテル
"Red hotel"
The hotel's interior were painted red. The lobby was in front of me. To the left of the lobby was a corridor leading to the guest rooms. There were rulers installed on each corner of the celling. These rulers were also painted red. The entire room had children's names marked above the rulers. (PuPTooN)
Spday07e 雨の降る部屋
"The raining room"
The noise of the rain is very loud. The floor underneath the kotatsu table in the centre of the room is also wide open. I jump up, but there is nothing I can do about it. It looks like there's another dark space on the ceiling as well. Soon, I start feeling like the entire room is shrinking.
Spday07f 温泉旅館とフィルム見物
"Onsen Travel House and Film Viewing"
I came to an old onsen travel house. A lot of people were gathered there watching some film. It [viewing] is required. I blend in with the crowd and watch the film projected in the reception hall. Yoko-chan from my class whispers to me: "There is a blonde person behind us."
Spday08c 顔の皮膚の再生
"Regenerating the skin on your face"
The skin on your forehead or chin is slipping, peeling off. Underneath what has been peeled off, skin like that of a baby is being created. The skin on your cheek is also about to peel off, however it won't come off so easily.
Spday08d 次なる王
"The next king"
Many people have gathered here. From atop these stairs, I look down upon them.A man who has decorated his naked body with black feathers is walking between the people gathered. It's the next king, taking the place of the one who recently died. He proceeds quietly and climbs the stairs.
Spday08e 子供
"This child"
There was a little girl in my bedroom. She was a naked baby who could stand up and perform acrobatic somersaults. It was driving me crazy that we did not know who brought her here.
Spday08f ハワイのプール部屋
"Swimming pool room in Hawaii"
I visit a woman in her room and find it is filled with water, like a swimming pool. A button is pushed, the water recedes and the whole place dries instantly. Seeing the stunned look on my face, the woman tells me it’s only possible in Hawaii because the air is so dry.
Spday09c 米粒
"Grains of rice"
When I took the bowl out from the microwave, bits of rice grains scattered underneath the glass plate. I was then eating bits of rice grains using chopsticks. This was burning into my memory. (PuPTooN)
Spday09d 孤独
I came around from somewhere far away. Not only that, I am extremely tired. Why did nobody wait for me? Even here, I am alone. I am nowhere. And from now on, not even in the places I go. (Credit: hoshizoradestination)
Spday09e 追跡
"The pursuit"
I sneak filmed the two masculine guys who were entering the restaurant. I'm on a top secret mission to get evidence off them. I was running in the alleys as if I was in a movie, hiding my video recorder in a secret place, while hiring a decoy through bribery to save me some time. (PuPTooN)
Spday09f 葡萄酒を盗み飲みする
"Sneak drinking the grape wine"
A boy was drinking grape wine and eating a sausage. I asked him if I could have some of the wine and then he gave it to me for free. Here, it's a custom to chug down the wine, while the head chef isn't looking. (PuPTooN)
Spday10c 目覚まし時計が鳴っていた
"Alarm clock ringing"
The alarm clock doesn't stop ringing even if i stopped it. *RING RING* *RING RING* It wouldn't shut up. I opened the clock and removed its batteries, but it wouldn't stop ringing. I slammed the clock to the floor, trying to break it, but then for a moment I saw my mother's face. (PuPTooN)
Spday10d 知っている世界
"Where is this?" / “A world I know”
Like a deep dark forest, I am wandering around. I can't get over the feeling that I've been to this place before. The temple and the tower look much bigger than usual, and I feel as if I were lost in a world of immensity. It's very dark with no sky up above, like being in the depths of the earth. Anyway, it is a world that I know.
Spday10e 明月荘に住む歳とった妖怪
"The elderly Youkai living in Meigetsu-So Apartment"
In the front yard of Meigetsu-so apartment. There was an elderly youkai leaving the gate. It was turning back and forth, back and forth as it left. In the pond of the front yard was a suikin. The youkai from earlier was there inside.
Spday10f 逆さ女
"An upside down woman"
An angry sea. A woman is tied upside-down to a big tree by the sea. Maybe it is a warning, or to contain some power she may have? The woman gazes at the far end of the sea, waiting for help to come.
Spday11c 鯨をとる人。
"The whale catcher"
The winter skies. A man welding a spear arrived to catch a whale. He threw the spear towards the ocean covered by thick sheets of ice.
Spday11d ガス管を食べるライオン
"A gas tube eating lion"
In the kitchen of my Meigetsu-so Apartment, I open the back door to find the remains of a torn-up gas tube. Nearby are three of a family of lion-like animals.
Spday11e 囚われた象の部屋
"The room with a captured elephant"
I run into a room; there is a big elephant and a man there. The elephant has been completely shoved in so there’s practically no space left in the room. It looks like the man and elephant are captured in this room together.
Spday11f 南町奉行所と巨大な福助像
"Minamimachi Magistrate building and the giant statue of Fukusuke"
From the bus window, I could see Minamimachi Bugyousho on the right hand side of the road. There was a pool of water next to the gate. Below the water was the giant statue of Fukusuke, sitting on the floor. "Why would there be a magistrate building in this place?" I asked myself as I was planning to visit there next time. The bus has reached its final destination. (PuPTooN)
Spday12c ライオンの逃亡
"The escape of the lions"
There are many ships docked here. Two lions, a father and child, are being chased. The father lion is taken away somewhere. The cub, chased by a navy captain, runs around the harbor and falls into the sea. He survives and hides in a ship to search for his father.
Spday12d 水中に沈んだ道
"The sunken road"
I hurried to catch a taxi. But then the road began to flood. The water level rose quickly until the world transformed into a sunken mythical city. I could see markings passing by in the crystal-clear seabed. (PuPTooN)
Spday12e 寝観音は海を眺める
"The sleeping Kannon is gazing upon the ocean"
The sleeping Kannon is lying sprawled, calmly placing all of its large body covering the four corners of a rectangular roof. Beyond the roof, the ocean can be seen. That's why the sleeping Kannon is gazing upon the ocean, sprawling its body. It's a very pleasant sight.
Spday12f シンメトリーの双子
"Symmetrical twins"
My great grandmother has become a pair of twins, and is becoming symmetrical twins. My great grandmother would always save me, but today she will not save me.