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Linking is the main mechanic in LSD: Dream Emulator. It happens when the player collides with any surface as well as most entities. When the player links, a noise will play, the screen will fade to a color and the player will end up in a new location. The Instruction Booklet describes it as an alternative to physically traversing the map through tunnels.

Depending on what the player interacted with, there are two types of links; dynamic links, and static links.

Dynamic Links

Dynamic links are the most common type of link, as walking into most walls in the game will trigger it. A dynamic link typically only flashes white on the screen, and does not have a set field to send the player to. Instead, the player is randomly sent to the main field of the game:

Static Links

Static links are used by entities, and certain walls in fields (like the painting in Meigetsu-So Apartment). Static links can flash a wide variety of colors, and usually only sends to player to one particular field. What field this is depends on the entity or wall the player has linked with

Relation to the Chart

It is unknown how exactly linking effects the Dream Chart during a dream, however the Instruction Booklet mentions that links are determined by the mood in-game.