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Prophecy in the Chu-Teng Tablet that mentions Kai-Shi
Teaser for Kai-Shi inscribed on a rock in Chu-Teng

Kai-Shi (海市) would have been the third entry in the series of Outside Directors Company games featuring Rin, making a trilogy of Tong-Nou, Chu-Teng, and Kai-Shi. It is hinted at in Chu-Teng as well as an interview between Sato and an unknown magazine, but the game itself never began production. The name literally means "sea city" and is an old-timey word for "mirage", this and its description as "a world in the sea where light does not reach" has given rise to speculation about the game taking place underwater.




On 27 March 2020, a Japanese fan posted a photo to Twitter of a magazine interview where Sato discusses Kai-Shi. The photo was confirmed to be real when Sato himself retweeted it. It was most likely taken at the Grateful in All Things exhibition, suggested by the upload date and Sato's display of a binder filled with his magazine appearances at the exhibition. The name of the magazine is unknown and no scans are available online.


In response to the question "Will [Chu-Teng] be a work in the same style as Tong-Nou?", Sato states his intent to make the series a trilogy based on a Chinese/Indian "four levels of reality" system (which this wiki does not currently know the official name of): Tong-Nou representing the world above ground, Chu-Teng representing heaven, and Kai-Shi representing the world below ground. In this system the fourth level is infinite and completely separate from everything else, which is why no game was planned around it - though it may be the "Ge-teng" mentioned in the Chu-Teng Tablet.

In response to the question "Will Chu-Teng have a variety of weird characters?", Sato states that the game will, there will be many more than there were in Tong-Nou, and that OSD is in the process of organizing them. He also states his intention to get either Chu-Teng or the entire series (unclear due to the interview being cut off) published outside of Japan in the interest of profit.


――― これはまた「東脳」のような作品なんですか?
S 「東脳」シリーズは三部作にしようと思っているんですが、中国やインドではこの世のなりたちは地下、地上、天、と4段階に別れていて、さらにその外の世界が無限の世界なんです。その構造は人間の体と対比していると言われています。「東脳」シリーズでは「東脳」は地上の世界。次回作「中天」が宇宙(有限)と天。その次に制作予定なのが「海市」という作品で、これが地下の世界

S 「東脳」よりずっと多いですよ。今、整理が大変な段階です。日本だけだと採算 [?] があわないので世界で