Is this legal?

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Is this legal? is the community name given to an advertisement for LSD: Dream Emulator posted on the OSD310 YouTube channel.


The PlayStation logo is shown, followed by the LSD logo. The video cuts to a rotoscoped live-action head on top of a black background, who asks "Is this legal?". The same question is contained in a pink speech bubble above the man and in Japanese below him. A slideshow of screenshots from the game plays at a blazing pace, with a new image being shown every frame, before coming to rest on a clip of the Long Hallway doors exploding and the player being sucked back.

The text "こんなの, ゲームじゃない" appears over the Long Hallway footage, which translates to "This, is not a game".

The video ends with the LSD logo being shown again (this time with the text "DREAM EMULATOR" under it) before cutting to various clips from the game while information such as its price and release date are shown over top. The album LSD and Remixes and the book Lovely Sweet Dream are also advertised. After a fade to the logo for Asmik Ace Entertainment, an outtake of the rotoscoped man laughing plays.


  • The YouTube video of this advertisement is OSD310's only post from the 2 February 2010 batch of uploads that doesn't have all comments held for review.
  • The video is exactly 30 seconds long, which in addition to the PlayStation logo provides circumstantial evidence that this was meant to be aired on television.
  • The screenshots shown during the montage as well as the clips from the end of the video reveal a few early textures that were changed in the final release.